
September 15, 2014

Does Rain Affect My Air Conditioner?

Since the compressor of your central A/C sits outside, many residents here in the Sarasota area wonder, “how does rain affect my… Continue Reading Does Rain Affect My Air Conditioner?

August 18, 2014

3 Signs It’s Time to Call a Plumber

When your plumbing system is working well, you probably don’t give it much thought. Like so many other appliances around your home,… Continue Reading 3 Signs It’s Time to Call a Plumber

August 8, 2014

Tricks for Saving Cash on Cooling Bills

Somewhat paradoxically, no Sarasota FL homeowner wants to spend too much on air conditioning, even though everyone wants to stay cool throughout… Continue Reading Tricks for Saving Cash on Cooling Bills

July 15, 2014

Declare Independence from High Cooling Bills

The freedom to enjoy a comfortably cool indoor environment is the best thing about air conditioning, but getting locked into high cooling… Continue Reading Declare Independence from High Cooling Bills

July 8, 2014

3 Tips for Saving Water in Your Home

If high water bills are putting a strain on your household budget, you may need to be more proactive about saving water.… Continue Reading 3 Tips for Saving Water in Your Home

June 11, 2014

How Hot Should a Water Heater Be?

The proper temperature setting for a water heater is a hotly debated topic. Savvy homeowners know that heating water – and maintaining… Continue Reading How Hot Should a Water Heater Be?

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