Tricks for Saving Cash on Cooling Bills

Somewhat paradoxically, no Sarasota FL homeowner wants to spend too much on air conditioning, even though everyone wants to stay cool throughout the year. Fortunately, there’s no need to choose between staying cool and keeping your costs under control. Keep these tricks in mind to help cut your cooling bills without sacrificing comfort.

Seal Any Leaks

A well-insulated home is an efficient home, as hot air won’t be able to sneak into the house and undermine your air conditioner’s best efforts to cool. Start at the top by blowing more insulation into the attic, then proceed downstairs and apply window coverings, caulk for doors and even plastic outlet covers. Even the smallest leak is a waste of energy, and it’s not hard at all to keep that waste under control.

Use Complementary Systems

We’re talking about ceiling fans, and they can make all the difference in the world. First, a good fan creates a nice, cool breeze in the house, which means you can set your thermostat higher without feeling the difference. Just as importantly, ceiling fans break up the hot air that tends to accumulate near the ceiling, helping your air conditioner efficiency. For best results, invest in an Energy Star rated fan.

Set the Thermostat

Speaking of thermostat settings, bear in mind that every degree of difference changes your energy usage by about 8 percent. That means it’s really in your interest to set your thermostat as high as you can without losing comfort; for most people, that’s between 76 and 79 degrees. Experiment and find the ideal setting for your family, then leave it there; manipulating the thermostat too much is a great way to waste energy.

AC Maintenance

There’s a lot you can do to maintain your air conditioner at home, from carefully checking the exterior at the beginning of the cooling season to replacing the air filter every month. For even better results, invest in professional maintenance. During each maintenance visit, your technician will make calibration adjustments to cut your cooling costs and save you even more down the road by preventing expensive future repairs and early system replacements.

Air conditioners are fairly complex machines, but if you have knowledge and experience, it’s possible to get their energy usage down. At Custom Air, we’ve been working with air conditioners for over 20 years, and we know them inside and out. Give us a call to learn more about ways to cut your cooling bills and live better.

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