Does Rain Affect My Air Conditioner?

Since the compressor of your central A/C sits outside, many residents here in the Sarasota area wonder, “how does rain affect my air conditioner?” And, since rain doesn’t necessarily mean cool temperatures in our climate, there are many times that you end up using your cooling system during the rain. Many people wonder if rain damages the air conditioning compressor unit or causes danger to house, residents or property.

Does My A/C Need Protection from the Rain?

Under typical weather conditions, you don’t need to be concerned about your air conditioning equipment. Repeated rainstorms, including severe rain won’t harm the outdoor unit. In fact, placing a tarp over the compressor is a bad idea long term. This restricts air circulation, never allowing A/C components to air dry, which leads to rust. When you’re not expecting to use your A/C for a while, use a specific manufacturer recommended air conditioner cover.

Using a Central Air Conditioner in the Rain

You’re not causing any harm to the cooling system if you use it while it’s raining, luckily for local residents here on the Gulf Coast of Florida! Your air conditioner can help keep you cool–and dry the air a bit. Humidity not only makes a home uncomfortable, it encourages mold growth and contributes to poor indoor air quality. For the best humidity control, consider adding a whole-house dehumidifier to your central A/C. Ask your HVAC contractor about affordable options. With drier indoor air, you can turn your thermostat up a bit–and still stay cool while saving money on energy bills.

What about Protecting My Cooling System in a Hurricane?

In this extreme situation, take the following safety measures in advance:

  • Turn the A/C system off at the circuit breaker to avoid electrical shock in case of flooding.
  • Cover the outdoor compressor unit to avoid damage from windblown debris.
  • Use hurricane straps in high wind conditions.

Don’t forget to have your cooling system inspected annually with professional preventive maintenance!

When you have questions like, “does rain affect my air conditioner?” or A/C problems, contact the cooling system experts at Custom Air & Plumbing here in Sarasota.

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