Great Products for Improving Indoor Air Quality

Layers of dust, problematic symptoms like itching and sneezing, and higher than usual utility bills may all have one single cause in common: bad indoor air quality. When the quality of the air in your home or business is poor, all of these problems and more can develop. Fortunately, there are affordable and convenient products for improving indoor air quality in your Sarasota, FL home or business.

Products for Improving Air Quality

There are a number of products that can help improve the quality of air in your home or business. Many of these are affordable and some will even improve the efficiency of your heating and air conditioning system. Consider these options:

  • Air filters. Air filters are the first type of product to purchase for air quality improvement. Get the highest MERV rated filter that your HVAC system allows. The higher the MERV rating, the smaller the particle size of pollutant that the filter can trap.
  • Stand-alone filtration systems. These units can be placed anywhere that air quality is an issue. Many people set them up in damp areas like the basement or in bedrooms where they spend many hours at a time.
  • Built-in filtration systems. These work in conjunction with a residential or commercial heating and cooling system. They include electrostatic filters, UV filters and ionizers. They cleanse the air and filter out contaminants before the air is blown into the ductwork.
  • Recovery ventilators. These include heat recovery ventilators that transfer heat and are ideal in temperate and colder climates. Energy recovery ventilators exchange both water vapor and heat and are ideal for use in humid areas with long summers.

Additional Tips for Maintaining Healthy Air Quality

Once one of these great products for improving indoor air quality is installed in your home or business, there are still a few things you’ll need to do to make sure the indoor air is as healthy and comfortable as possible.

  • Eliminate as many sources of pollution as possible. This includes replacing carpet with other flooring, airing out new plastics and painted items, and setting up a radon mitigation system if radon is a problem.
  • Change the air filters every 30 days.
  • Schedule a heating and air conditioning system tune-up every year.

After installing a new system to filter, cleanse, and purify the air in your home or business, you may find that your heating and air conditioning system consumes less energy. You might also notice an improvement in sniffling, sneezing, and itchiness. To learn more about installing a system to improve the quality of the air at your house or place of work, give our team at Custom Air Heating & Cooling a call any time.

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