3 Ways to Go Green With Shower Upgrades

Being more mindful of precious resources and making a change in everyday activities can help you to reduce energy and water consumption. Go green and save both energy and water with these three shower upgrades in your Sarasota, Florida, home.

Invest in an Efficient Showerhead

Not all showerheads are efficient, and some are downright wasteful when it comes to water usage. Switching to a water-efficient showerhead is a relatively inexpensive way to reduce your household’s water needs by almost 3,000 gallons per year. At Custom Air & Plumbing, we offer a range of WaterSense labeled showerheads that use no more than two gallons per minute. These showerheads use less water than standard models, but they are also designed to provide a satisfying shower with good spray intensity.

Use Less Water and Save Energy

When you use less water during a shower, your water heater will automatically heat less water. Since the water heater is one of the largest consumers of energy in your home, using less hot water is a smart way to make a big difference in your household’s overall energy needs. Substantial energy savings also translate to lower utility bills year-round.

Address Wasteful Plumbing Issues

If you’ve noticed an occasional or minor leak in your shower, you might not have given it a second thought. Small leaks can add up over time, though and over the course of a year, they can waste a surprising amount of water. In fact, the average household’s plumbing system leaks over 10,000 gallons of water each year, which equals the amount of water you need for nearly 275 loads of laundry. Instead of ignoring what you consider to be a minor, contact the plumbing pros at Custom Air & Plumbing for a quick fix that will have a significant impact.

Whether you are in the market for a new showerhead or your home is in desperate need of plumbing repairs, we are here to help. Call Custom Air & Plumbing for all of your plumbing needs today at (866) 819-0992.

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