5 Ways to Reduce High Water Heating Bills

It’s not unusual to see a higher-than-average energy bill every now and then. This is often in response to a change in your heating and cooling needs. However, some of this increase can be traced back to your water heater, as it is one of the largest energy consumers in your Sarasota, Florida home. Fortunately, you can reduce water heating bills by following these five simple steps.

Check Your Tank’s Thermostat Settings

Correct water heating settings can make a difference in your subsequent energy bills. Most water heaters have their thermostats set at the factory default of 140 degrees – high enough to present a scalding risk and to waste energy. Instead, turn the thermostat down until the water temperature reaches 120 degrees. You’ll save up to 5 percent on your water heating bill without sacrificing comfort.

Sediment Buildup

Sediment buildup takes a toll on your water heater’s efficiency and effectiveness. You can actually flush some of the water out of the tank, allowing sediments to flow out with it. If this is not something you feel comfortable doing you can have your plumber take care of this task. Most water heater manufacturers recommend doing this three or four times a year for the best results.

Use Less Hot Water

Reducing your hot water consumption can help cut your energy costs by a significant margin. Using low-flow showerheads and faucet aerators, the average family of four can save as much as 14,000 gallons of water each year.

Good Insulation Helps Pipes

Another way to reduce water heating bills is to wrap your pipes in insulating sleeves. This helps the hot to flow through the faucet without losing heat, which helps you save energy as a result.

Insulate the Hot Water Tank Itself

It’s not just the hot water pipes that need insulation. Unless you have a newer water heater that came pre-insulated, wrapping your water heater in an insulating blanket or jacket cuts heat loss by as much as 45 percent, resulting in up to a 9 percent discount on your next energy bill.

Contact Custom Air & Plumbing at (866) 819-0992 to learn more about ways you can reduce water heating bills. We proudly serve the Manatee, Sarasota, Charlotte counties in the Tampa Bay area.

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