Health Concerns and Poor Indoor Air Quality

Many persons are concerned about pollution outdoors, not realizing that indoor air quality is just as important. It is especially important to monitor your indoor air quality because between home, school, work, and even running errands, the majority of our time is spent indoors. A few preventive measures can help protect your family against several common health concerns related to indoor air quality.

Respiratory Disorders

Respiratory conditions can be triggered or worsened because of poor indoor air quality (IAQ). On the mild end, you could suffer from coughing or sneezing similar to seasonal allergies, or you could experience more severe complications, such as more frequent asthma attacks. 


Breathing in bad air can literally make you sick to your stomach. Really poor indoor air can cause nausea and a general ill feeling. If your symptoms appear to improve when you leave the area or when you are away from home, it is quite likely then that your home is making you sick.


Unexplained fatigue may be caused by poor IAQ. If you or your family members are experiencing fatigue and have ruled out other causes, it may be time to test your IAQ and make improvements in your home.

Dry or Watery Eyes

Another symptom of poor IAQ is dry, watery, or itchy eyes. Even though you can’t see them, pollutants in the air can quickly irritate the eyes. This is an uncomfortable and miserable feeling, so it is best to identify and eliminate the cause as soon as possible.


Fortunately, there are steps you can take to prevent poor IAQ. Consider a regular maintenance schedule to improve the ventilation in your home. This includes changing your air filters often and ensuring your HVAC system is operating efficiently. Indoor air quality equipment such as air purifiers can effectively remove bacteria and viruses from your indoor air.

The experts at Custom Air and Plumbing can test your indoor air and provide effective solutions to remedy the air quality in your Sarasota home or office. Call today at (866) 819-0992. With our effective services, you can look forward to cleaner, fresher air, and to improving your family’s overall health.

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