Do I Need to Replace My Heat Pump in Parrish, FL?

The average heat pump in Parrish, FL, lasts around 10 to 12 years. Signs that your system is failing include uneven heating, high energy bills and frequent repairs. Read on to learn whether you should replace your heat pump now rather than later.

Inconsistent Heating

Heat pumps should maintain about the same temperature in each room of your home. If some areas feel colder than others, you may need a heat pump replacement.

Take the age of your HVAC system into consideration. If the heat pump is under 10 years old, it’s more likely that it needs a repair rather than a complete replacement. However, poorly maintained systems may fail sooner.

Decreased Efficiency

A sudden jump in your energy bill could indicate that it’s time to replace your heat pump. You should rule out other possible causes first, such as lack of professional maintenance, a clogged air filter or another repair need.

Heat pumps require heating maintenance once a year and cooling maintenance once a year. The ideal time for heating maintenance is at the end of fall when you’re getting ready to begin using the heater.

You typically need to change the air filter at least once a month to prevent a decrease in efficiency. Some systems may only need a filter change once every three months. Check the manufacturer’s manual to know how often for your model.

Frequent Repairs

Three or more repairs in a year often means that it’s time for a new heat pump. As a heat pump ages, it eventually reaches a point where it’s either broken beyond repair or no longer worth the cost to repair.

Expensive Repair Cost

Sometimes, it’s not cost-effective to repair the system even if you haven’t exceeded two repairs in a year. In general, a repair need that is half the cost of replacing the heat pump isn’t worth it.

If any of the above situations applies to you, you should look into replacing your system. Contact Custom Air & Plumbing to discuss a quality heat pump replacement.

Image provided by iStock

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