Why You Need More Plants in Your Office
Tired of your office space feeling stale and stuffy? Do your employees sneeze and cough the day away? Poor quality of air inside your Sarasota, Florida, office will do more than just make the air smell funky, it can also cause allergy symptoms to flare and lead to illness. The filters of your HVAC system are great, but nature’s filters are even better. Put some more plants in your office and you’ll not only provide a splash of color, but you’ll feel better as well. Bringing some nature indoors will improve indoor air quality and consequently increase employee productivity.
Plants and Indoor Air Quality
Believe it or not, indoor air can become more polluted than the air outside, thanks to unhealthy chemical cleaners, chemicals released from paint and adhesives, and air being trapped in a small space. And since you and your employees spend so much time inside throughout the day, it’s especially vital to maintain high indoor air quality.
Plants act as living air purifiers that absorb chemical pollutants through the foliage and roots. Plants can clean carbon dioxide, benzene, formaldehyde, and other toxins from the air without you having to lift a finger. Flowering plants, such as chrysanthemums, peace lilies, and golden pothos are some of the most effective natural air purifiers. Placing them throughout your workspace will create a healthy, fresh-feeling environment.
Indoor Air Quality and Productivity
But what do plants have to do with productivity? Poor indoor air quality can lead to symptoms ranging from headaches, to runny noses, to coughing, sneezing, and eventually illness. At best, these symptoms are distracting; at worst, they are hazardous to your well-being and the well-being of your employees. Having plants throughout the office will reduce these symptoms, reduce stress, and allow you and your employees to focus more on work.
Indoor air quality may seem like a minor concern when you’ve got budgets and profits to worry about, but the strategic placement of a few plants will help those profits rise. For more help increasing your office’s indoor air quality, call Custom Air and Plumbing at (866) 819-0992.
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