Mistakes that Cost You and Your HVAC System
You may be tempted to try to save money in your Sarasota home by skimping on maintenance or improvements for your heating and cooling systems. However doing so, is a bad idea. Failing to properly use and take care of your HVAC system may be costing you more than you realize.
Failing to Change your Air Filters Regularly
It is easy to forget about the air filter. Many persons don’t think about it at all. Your air filter plays a very important role in keeping your indoor air clean and helping your HVAC system to perform efficiently. If the filter is clogged, airflow will be restricted. Polluted air will also continue to circulate through your indoor air. Filters must be changed as soon as they become dirty. You can check the filter regularly especially during the heart of summer and winter when you use the system more. There are different types of filters with different efficiency levels, so be sure to check the instructions for replacing or cleaning your filter.
Many companies offer maintenance service plans that include changing your air filters regularly so you can leave that to the experts. Changing your air filters will help to keep your energy bills down and help you to manage your indoor air quality.
Choosing the Wrong System
You may be tempted to choose a small unit because it costs less, or a large unit thinking it will be more effective. However, if your air conditioning system is too small for home, it will not be able to heat or cool the space efficiently. It will have to work harder to provide the right level of heating or cooling, increasing energy consumption and increasing your energy bill. A unit that is too large will also be less effective. Be sure to consult your reliable HVAC contractor for help in properly sizing the equipment for your home.
Closing Registers to Save Energy
Many people close registers with the mindset that the air will then be redirected to the other rooms, thereby saving energy. However, that is not the case. Closing vents will only
throw your heating system off-balance. It can result in duct leakage, and increased energy consumption, among other problems.
Try more proven methods of saving energy, like installing a programmable thermostat, or contact the experts at Custom Air & Plumbing. Call us today at (866) 819-0992 to learn more about the ways our systems and services can save you money.