Manage IAQ by Evaluating the Entire Home

The first step toward improving indoor air quality (IAQ) throughout your home involves assessing its current condition with regard to various contaminants, and employing a workable strategy room by room. The most visible substances are generally mold and dust. Other irritants are often microscopic as some forms of bacteria as well as volatile organic compounds (VOCs). VOCs are found in many household products including cleaners, paint, flooring, furniture, cosmetics and plastics. Some improvements to IAQ require only simple action, but others will require the use of dedicated IAQ systems or professional service.

Mold Issues

Our humid climate presents ideal conditions for mold growth. Kitchens and bathrooms are the most vulnerable rooms. Using bathroom ventilation fans when bathing removes much of the heat and humidity, as does wiping out the tub or shower to remove excessive moisture. The kitchen fan also removes humidity, as long as it vents outdoors.

Living and Sleeping Areas

Use a vacuum cleaner with high efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filtration frequently to remove pet dander, pollen, dust mite waste and lint fibers from the flooring. Pet dander, dust mite waste and pollen are the three most common allergy triggers. Vacuuming instead of sweeping hard-surface flooring helps IAQ, since sweeping moves the offending particles into the air.

The Whole-House Approach to Better IAQ

Your HVAC system provides an efficient and convenient way to improve indoor air quality throughout your home. The air filter you use for the air handler makes a difference in the particulate load indoors. Choosing one with a higher minimum efficiency reporting value (MERV) rating will trap finer particles than the inexpensive fiberglass filters.

In our climate, ultraviolet (UV) lights inside the ductwork and air handler reduce not only mold growth, but also bacterial and viral populations. UV lights also neutralize some VOCs that degrade IAQ.

Contact the experts at Custom Air & Plumbing for help with improving indoor air quality throughout your home. Call us today at (866) 819-0992 for more information or to schedule an appointment.

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