Improving the Air Quality in Your Home for Asthma Sufferers

Indoor air quality can be easily overlooked as a contributing to factor to symptoms experienced by those with asthma. However, there are many contaminants, many caused by daily household activity, that can reduce the air quality in our homes. There are many steps you can take to improve the quality of the air in your home to make it more comfortable for asthma sufferers.

Dust Frequently

Our homes collect dust quite easily, so dusting regularly is very important. Some items such as feather dusters seem to move dust around rather than actually remove it. It is best to use a damp cloth or microfiber dusters. Using HEPA filters for your vacuum cleaners is a very effective measure as they are extremely efficient at removing pollutants.

Reduce Use of Fragrances

Scented detergents, perfumes, body sprays, room deodorizers, and household cleaners can trigger asthma attacks. Reduce use of these products or opt for natural alternatives that are fragrance-free or have less pungent odors.

Ditch Chemical Cleaners

Chemical cleaners, along with many other products in our homes, often consist of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and chemical irritants that can aggravate the airways, causing inflammation. Choose natural cleaning solutions or select those with labels that indicate that they are free of VOCs.

Provide Proper Circulation

Opening windows isn’t always a good option for asthma sufferers since outdoor pollutants and triggers such as pollen can find their way indoors. Keep doors and windows shut, and help improve air circulation with special products designed to remove pollutants from the air. Keep all vents clear of dust and debris, and have your system professionally serviced regularly to keep it in top shape. In addition, using ceiling fans along with your air conditioner will keep the indoor air circulating, and help to reduce energy costs as you will not need to rely on the air conditioner as much.

Contact Custom Air & Plumbing at (866) 819-0992 for more information about improving the air quality in your home today!

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