4 Ways to Preserve Your Outdoor Unit this Winter

With milder temperatures approaching, many homeowners in Sarasota, Florida, look forward to turning off their air conditioner so they can save energy. Apart from reducing performance time, there are a few things you should consider that can help to preserve your outdoor unit this winter.

Clean Your Unit

Before it starts getting chilly outside, make sure your unit is clean of any outside debris such as leaves, grass clippings, bugs, and dirt. Be sure to direct the landscaping equipment, blower of your lawnmower away from the unit to prevent debris from entering the unit. If you notice any damage to the fins or anything trapped within the unit, it might be better to contact your HVAC technician who has the skills and equipment to prevent damage to the system. Now may also be a good time to get your annual maintenance checkup on your unit.

Consider Covering Your Unit

There is some debate regarding whether or not it is a good idea to cover your unit. As it gets colder and trees lose their leaves, it is a good idea to cover the unit to keep your coils free of debris. Just remember to remove any cover before you put the unit back in use. Also, ensure that nothing is placed on top of the unit as this will restrict airflow. A certified HVAC professional can recommend the best option for the climate of southern Florida.

Give the Unit Space

If there is landscaping or any object near your outdoor make sure they do not affect the unit. Nothing should be placed within five feet of the top of the unit, or within two feet of all sides.

Taking care of your outdoor unit will help to ensure that your system functions efficiently and helps you to save energy. Contact Custom Air & Plumbing for more ways you can help to protect your valuable HVAC equipment. Call us today at (866) 819-0992 to schedule an appointment or to speak with an expert to ensure your outdoor unit is properly serviced and maintained this winter.

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