3 Things to Do Before You Start Using the AC Again

Many of us in Sarasota, Florida, enjoyed a nice winter while the rest of the country looked on in envy. We’ve been able to give our HVAC systems a break and even enjoy lower utility bills. However, it will start to heat up soon, and there are a few things you should do before you start relying on the AC continuously again.

Get Maintenance

When machines sit unused, dust accumulates, they can start to rust, and parts can fail. Before you switch the thermostat to the cooling setting, give us a call. A cooling system that hasn’t had regular maintenance won’t run as efficiently, and if any mechanical problems exist inside, it creates a potential hazard. If you use a heat pump, you rely on it for cooling and heating. This is a good time for maintenance too, since you’ve had it running for most of the year. Our technicians will thoroughly inspect and clean your system, so you avoid any problems when you need it most.

Change the Filter

You need to change or clean your air filters once every one or two months. Regular filter changes will keep dust out of your system and out of your indoor air. Debris can build up on the filter and prevent it from properly cleaning the air that goes through your air handler. Get a new or clean filter, and avoid accumulated pollutants that could cause respiratory problems for members of your household.

De-Clutter Around the Outdoor Unit

Falling leaves and other debris can interfere with your AC’s performance. Before using your AC, be sure to check that nothing will impede the compressor’s operation. You can gently hose off dirt or small objects. Any item that appears to be lodged should be removed by a professional to prevent damage to delicate components.

You rely on your air conditioning system for the majority of the year in Florida. That means you can’t ignore its maintenance needs. Call Custom Air, Inc. today at (866) 819-0992 for reliable air conditioner maintenance and repair.

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