Plan Ahead and Schedule Your Spring HVAC Maintenance

The spring weather in Longboat Key, Florida, tends to get warm earlier than other areas of the country. One of the best ways to prepare for high temperatures is scheduling a spring HVAC maintenance service. By doing it early, you can make sure your cooling system is up to the task and can help maintain a comfortable atmosphere in your home.

Improve Efficiency

During a spring HVAC maintenance service, your service technician will perform some light cleaning of the indoor and outdoor unit. He or she will make sure that all parts can move and function properly. When everything operates as it should, the system will run more efficiently. As a result, you’ll save money on those often-high cooling bills that pop up in the late spring.

Check for Areas of Concern

Another important reason for spring HVAC maintenance is to check for any areas of concern within the system. If a part is broken or damaged, continuing to run the air conditioner could cause serious problems that will be expensive to fix.

In some cases, the damage could be so severe that you might need a new HVAC system, which will be even more of an investment. By keeping up with routine maintenance, your service technician can keep an eye on any warning signs and fix them sooner rather than later.

Protect Your Home

HVAC systems contain different types of chemicals and gasses that can be dangerous if ingested or inhaled. Your system has safeguards in place to prevent leaks. But a crack in one component can release dangerous fuels or carbon monoxide that can be fatal in high doses. By bringing in a service technician to fully check the system, you reduce the risk of experiencing health problems.

Contact the service technicians at Custom Air & Plumbing by calling (866) 819-0992 to schedule your spring HVAC maintenance service.

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